This is just the beginning. I’m super excited to be a part of XR, to watch the technology growing, getting better. To watch people “get it”, to see naysayers turned into believers. Immersive devices are not just for entertainment; They are tools. Devices that lend superhuman powers to its user. “Programmable human vision”. What can you do with programmable human vision? What can’t you do? I mean, besides entertainment.
Engineering and Discrete Industries are a huge use case. Manufacturing processes and execution. Human-Robot Interface (Interface might not be the word, Intermeld maybe? embodiment?… you know, like Avatar? Field marshalling and team coordination. Medical visualization. Augmented surgery assist. Education. Training. (Training should probably be listed first because it touches so many lines of business.) Data analytics, data visualization. Remote collaboration, remote assistance. SALES. Commerce, product and service marketing, branding, product scanning, ANIMATION (while animation is entertainment related, production is all business… and on and on… There will be use cases that haven’t been uncovered yet.